Our customers are currently charged for services rendered on the per-word basis as follows:
Language combination:
English to Czech
Dutch to Czech
Translation Only
Translation (+ Review by another linguist)
Hourly rate
EUR 0.08-0.10 / word
EUR 0.10-0.12 / word
EUR 0.08 / word
EUR 0.04 / word
EUR 0.02 / word
EUR 30 / hour
EUR 0.10-0.12 / word
EUR 0.14 / word
There is a minimum project price of 15 EUR applied.
There is a minimum project price of 15 EUR applied.
Services are usually invoiced in EUR but we can also accept payments (of equivalent value) in USD, GBP and CZK.
Preferred method of payment is wire transfer but it is also possible to use PayPal for very small amounts (subject to agreement).
Preferred method of payment is wire transfer but it is also possible to use PayPal for very small amounts (subject to agreement).
For tax purposes I am a VAT-payer.